Heron Lake, New Mexico

1 ------ RULES
1.1 ----- The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 ----- The Buccaneer Class Association (BCA) Class Rules (CR) and Buccaneer Class Association racing rules, in effect at the time of the regatta, will apply and will prevail if there is a conflict with this Notice, except as modified herein.
1.3 ----- This regatta is a non-sanctioned event. The following Rules of the Buccaneer Class Association (BCA) Class Rules (CR), are changed as follows:
1.3.1 ----- Violation of class rules shall not be grounds for protest by a competitor. This changes the statement in the introduction to the Buccaneer Class Racing Rules that states, “A skipper has the right to protest … any Buccaneer which does not conform….”
1.3.2 ----- Measurement of boats or sails will not be required as a condition of entry. Sails are not required to bear a royalty stamp as a condition of entry. The race committee reserves the right to measure and inspect a boat, sails, or equipment at its discretion. The race committee may at its discretion waive the requirements of the class racing rules for sails that are contained in section III. (prev. C.) Sails of the introductory section of the Buccaneer Class Racing Rules, or the requirements contained under BUCCANEER CLASS MEASUREMENTS.
1.3.3 ----- Entrants are not required to be members of the Buccaneer Class Association or to have a BCA measurement certificate. The eligibility requirements of Championship Racing, section 11 in the Buccaneer Constitution, are not applicable to this regatta.
1.3.4 ----- The requirements for safety equipment are modified to state that safety equipment meet the requirements of the State of New Mexico, in addition to any other stated requirements.
2.1 ----- Notices to Competitors will be posted on the official notice board located at the
3.1 ----- Any change to the Sailing Instructions will be posted before 1100 Saturday, September 1, in order to take effect upon that day, or else before 0830 Sunday, September 2.
4.1 ----- Signals made ashore will be displayed at the
4.2 ----- When flag AP is displayed ashore, the term ‘1 minute” is replaced with ‘not less than 30 minutes’ meaning that the warning signal will not be made less than 30 minutes after signal AP is lowered ashore. This changes the definition of race signal AP.
4.3 ----- When flag Y is displayed ashore, rule 40.1 applies at all times while underway. This changes the Part 4 preamble.
5.1 ----- Dates of racing shall be as follows:
5.2 ----- The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on Saturday is
5.3 ----- The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on Sunday is
6 ------ CLASS FLAGS
6.1 ----- The class flag for the Buccaneer class shall be a black flag with a white emblem.
6.2 ----- If a subsequent class is started, the next class shall be started with a yellow class flag.
7 ------ RACING AREA
Appendix A shows the racing area.
8 ------ THE COURSES
8.1 ----- The courses to be sailed will be as follows: For each race, the race committee signal boat will display flags to indicate the configuration of the course, as designated by number on the chart of courses (Appendix B).
8.2 ----- The starting configuration will be a mid-course start. A common start/finish line will be used.
8.3 ----- Each mark is to be left to port. If an offset mark is used, then both the turning mark and offset mark are to be left to port.
8.4 ----- If the start/finish line is designated as a gate, then boats must sail between the pin and race committee signal boat from the direction of the last mark during each upwind and downwind leg of the course.
8.5 ----- If a gate is used for a windward or leeward mark, boats shall sail between the gate marks from the direction of the previous mark and round either gate mark.
9 ------ MARKS
9.1 ----- The Marks of the course shall consist of inflatable orange or yellow spherical or tetrahedral buoys designated as (1) windward, (2) reach, and (3) reach or leeward.
9.2 ----- The common start and finish line will be marked by a pin buoy on one end and the luff of an orange flag upon the race committee signal boat on the other end.
10 ------ THE START
10.1 ---- Races will be started in accordance with rule 26 with the following addition: An attention signal will be made approximately 1 minute before the warning signal for each race. In addition, all sound signals used in the start sequence are permitted to be of the same approximate duration. This changes rule 26.
10.2 ---- Any boats or classes whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area.
10.3 ---- A boat starting later than 20 minutes after her starting signal shall be scored Did Not Start (DNS). This changes rule A4.
11.1 ---- To change the next leg of the course, the race committee will move the original mark (or the finishing line) to a new position.
12 ------ FINISHING
12.1 --- The finishing line will be marked by a pin buoy on one end and an orange flag upon the race committee signal boat on the other end.
12.2 --- The race committee boat will NOT display a blue flag or shape to indicate she is in position at the finishing line. This modifies Race Signal “Blue Flag”.
12.3 --- A race committee boat may hold position on the finish line by using her engine.
13.1 --- Rule 44.1 and 44.2, Two Turns Penalty, shall be in effect.
13.2 --- In addition, a boat breaking a rule of Part 2 of the RRS may take a penalty after the incident and prior to the start of a protest hearing by taking a 40% Scoring Penalty as calculated in RRS 44.3(c). This changes Rule 44.1.
13.3 --- Arbitration will be provided. This changes Rules 44.1, 63, and 64. Parties may agree to the arbiter's recommendations and withdraw protests prior to convening a protest hearing. This changes Rule 63.1.
13.4 --- A boat in violation of Sailing Instruction 10.2 (keep clear of starting area) may be protested by the race committee or protest committee for violation of rule 2 or rule 22 and penalized accordingly by the protest committee.
14 ------ TIME LIMITS
Time limits are as follows:
14.1 --- If no boat has passed Mark 1 (windward) within 40 minutes, the race shall be abandoned.
14.2 --- If no boat has finished within 100 minutes, the race shall be abandoned. The race committee may elect to shorten or change the course in accordance with the RRS at any time prior to the expiration of 100 minutes.
14.3 --- The race committee may establish target times and wind speeds for courses.
14.4 --- A boat that starts but fails to finish within 20 minutes after the first boat finishes will be scored Did Not Finish (DNF). This changes rules 35 and A4.
15.1 --- Protest forms shall be available at the
15.2 --- Written protests shall be delivered to the race office at the
15.3 --- Notices of protests will be posted at the
15.4 --- Notices of protests made by the race committee will be posted within 30 minutes of the protest time limit to inform boats under rule 61.1(b).
15.5 --- A breach of sailing instructions 10.2, 17, 18.2, or 21 shall not be grounds for a protest by a boat.
16 ------ SCORING
16.1 ---- Scoring shall follow the Low Point System except as described below.
16.2 --- One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.
16.3 --- Throw-outs shall be allowed as follows:
16.3.1 --- When fewer than four races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores with no throw-outs or exclusions. This changes Appendix A, A2, Series Scores, of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
16.3.2 ---- If four to six races are completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst excludable score. This changes Appendix A, A2, Series Scores, of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
16.3.3 ---- If more than six races are completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two worst excludable scores. This changes Appendix A, A2, Series Scores, of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
16.4 --- Scores shall be recorded and computed as follows:
16.4.1 ---- A boat that is scored Did Not Finish (DNF) shall be assigned points equal to the number of finishers plus one. This changes Appendix A, A 4.2.
16.4.2 ---- A boat that is scored Did Not Start (DNS) or Did Not Come (DNC), or On the Course Side (OCS) shall be assigned points equal to the number of starters plus one. This changes Appendix A, A 4.2.
16.4.3 ---- A boat that is scored Retired After Finishing (RAF) shall be assigned points equal to the number of boats registered for the regatta plus one. This changes Appendix A, A 4.2.
16.4.4 ---- A boat that is Disqualified (DSQ) shall be assigned points equal to the number of boats registered for the regatta plus two. This changes Appendix A, A 4.2.
17 ------ SAFETY
17.1 --- All participating boats, skippers, and crews are required to follow Federal, State, and local safety regulations.
17.2 --- The Race Committee, at its discretion, may prohibit or terminate participation for any vessel that appears to be unsafe or unseaworthy, or which is operated in an unsafe or illegal manner.
17.3 --- In
17.4 --- A boat that retires from a race shall notify the Race Committee as soon as possible.
17.5 --- The Race Committee, at its discretion, may determine that a person or vessel is in danger, and direct support or rescue personnel to provide aid, and may at its discretion determine that such aid does not violate rule 41, Outside Help.
17.6 --- Safety is a requirement for the success and continuance of the regatta. The Protest Committee or Jury will consider all relevant information if a boat is protested for receiving outside help (rule 41) in the event of receiving assistance subsequent to a breakdown, capsize, or injury. The protest committee will evaluate such an incident in the light of Rule 1.1, Helping Those in Danger. The protest committee at its option may impose a penalty of less than disqualification, or no penalty at all in such a situation. The protest committee may also award Redress to any boat and crew that come to the aid of any boat and crew that are in danger.
18.1 --- Substitution of competitors into or out of a boat shall not be allowed without prior written approval of the race committee.
18.2 --- Substitution of damaged or lost equipment may be made with equipment of like kind, provided the race committee is notified of the substitution at the first practical opportunity.
19.1 --- A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time for compliance with rules, class rules, and these sailing instructions, or with any applicable governmental regulations.
20.1 --- The race committee signal boat shall be marked by a blue race committee flag.
20.2 --- Other support boats shall fly a New Mexico Sailing Club burgee or other such insignia as designated by the race committee.
21.1 --- Team leaders, coaches, and other support personnel shall stay outside the areas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal until all boats have finished a race or the race committee signals a postponement, general recall, or abandonment.
21.2 --- Competitor support boats must be registered with the organizing authority.
22.1 --- No haul-out restrictions apply to this regatta.
23.1 --- Except for emergency, safety, or distress communications, a boat may not transmit or receive communications by radio, cellular telephone, or other electronic means, any information that is not freely available to all other boats. Boats are allowed to have a GPS receiver on board.
24.1 ---- Rule 47.2 applies in the event of keel-hauling, crew members being obliged to walk the plank, crew marooning, shore excursions taken during a race, or in the event of Insurrection, Mutiny, or Other Wanton Acts of Piracy and Buccaneering. See RRS Rule 47, Limitations on Equipment and Crew.
25 ------ PRIZES
25.1 ---- Prizes will be given for First, Second, and Third place.
25.2 ---- A Sportsmanship prize will be awarded to the crew that is observed to best exemplify sportsmanlike conduct in the finest Corinthian tradition.
25.3 ---- The race committee may, at its option and depending upon sufficient participation, give other awards.
26 ------ DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYCompetitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.
Neither he establishment of the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, nor their use by the Organizing Authority and the Race Organizers, in any way limits the absolute responsibility of the Owner/Skipper. Crew members are advised to satisfy themselves as to the experience of the skipper and the location and adequacy of all safety equipment and insurance arrangements.
Each skipper is responsible for the safety of his or her boat and all aspects of her operation. The skipper shall ensure that the boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy, manned by a crew sufficient in number and experience who are physically fit to face all conditions. The skipper must be satisfied as to the soundness of the hull, spars, rigging and all gear. She or he must ensure that all safety equipment is accessible; meets government and class requirements; and is kept in sound, usable condition.
27 ----- INSURANCE
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance.
Appendix A. Heron Lake Course/Race Map

Jicarilla Apache Nation (top left)
Primitive camping area (left)
La Laja boat ramp (bottom left)
Ridge Rock (bottom toward left)
Heron Dam (bottom toward left center)
Wind Warning Island (left of center)
Race Area (center)
Island View CG
Brushy Point
Blanco and Willow Creek CG (right of center)
Boat ramp (center right)
Visitor Center (right)
Park Entry (far right)
Marina (top right)
The Narrows (left of top right)
Course 1, WLW:
Start – 1 – 3 – Finish
(Start, Windward, Leeward, Windward Finish)

Course 2, WLWLW:
Start – 1 – 3 – 1 – 3 – Finish
Start, Windward, Leeward, Windward, Leeward, Windward Finish
Note: For the 2007 Labor Day weekend Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo, a common start-finish line will be used.
(Start, Windward, Reach, Reach, Windward, Leeward, Windward Finish; a.k.a. Olympic, Harry Morgan)
Note: For the 2007 Labor Day weekend Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo, a common start-finish line will be used.