Sunday, July 13, 2008

Buccaneer Rodeo Notice of Race


Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo

Buccaneer Class MacAlpine-Downie Gibbs Cup Regatta


Heron Lake, Los Ojos, New Mexico

August 30–31, 2008




1 _.__ RULES


1.1 ___ The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing, 2005–2008.


1.2 ___ The Buccaneer Class Association (BCA) Class Rules (CR) and Buccaneer Class Association racing rules, in effect at the time of the regatta, will apply and will prevail if there is a conflict with this Notice, except as modified below or as modified by the Sailing Instructions.


1.3 ___ This regatta is a sanctioned event for the Buccaneer Class Association (BCA). Rules of the Buccaneer Class Association (BCA) Class Rules (CR), are changed as follows:

1.3.1 . Violation of class rules that have been modified by the NOR or Sailing Instructions shall not be grounds for protest by a competitor. This changes the statement in the introduction to the Buccaneer Class Racing Rules that states, "A skipper has the right to protest ... any Buccaneer which does not conform...."

1.3.2 .. Measurement of boats or sails will not be required as a condition of entry. However, all boats are expected to conform to the Buccaneer Class Racing Rules. The race committee reserves the right to measure and inspect a boat, sails, or equipment at its discretion.

1.3.3 .. Entrants are required to be members of the Buccaneer Class Association and may join the BCA at the event. Entrants are not required to have a BCA measurement certificate. The eligibility requirements of Championship Racing, section 11 in the Buccaneer Constitution, are modified for this regatta.

1.3.4 .. The requirements for safety equipment are modified to state that safety equipment meet the requirements of the State of New Mexico, in addition to any other stated requirements.




2.1 ___ Advertising will be restricted to Category A




3.1 ___ The regatta is open to ALL Buccaneer and Starwind 18 sailboats.


3.2 ___ Eligible boats may enter by

3.2.1 ... pre-registering or sending a representative to attend the skipper/crew meeting at the Heron Lake Marina between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m., Saturday, August 30, 2008 and complete a registration form,

3.2.2 ... paying the $30 ($25 if postmarked by August 8, 2008) registration fee,

3.2.3 ... signing the registration form and waiver, and

3.2.4.... ensuring the skipper is a member of the Buccaneer Class Association.

3.4 ___ By participating in this Regatta, a competitor grants to the organizing authority and its sponsors the right in perpetuity to make, use and show, from time to time at their discretion, any photographs, sound recordings, motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of him or her during the period of the competition without compensation.


3.5 ___ Each skipper participating in this Regatta warrants that his or her boat is suitable for participating in the regatta and is responsible for the safety and safe operation of his or her boat and crew.


4 __._ FEES


Required fees are $30 per boat.


5 _..__ SCHEDULE


5.1 ___ Registration is from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., Saturday, August 30, 2008, at the Heron Lake Marina, Heron Lake State Park, Los Ojos, New Mexico.


5.2 ___ Dates and times of racing, and number of races, and times of last starts will be as specified in the Sailing Instructions. The anticipated schedule is shown below in paragraphs 5.3 - 5.5.


5.3 ___ The skipper/crew meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, August 30, 2008, at the Heron Lake Marina.


5.4 ___ The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on Saturday is 1:00 p.m.

No warning signal will be made after 6:30 p.m. on Saturday.


5.5 ___ The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on Sunday is 10:00 a.m.

No warning signal will be made after 3:00 p.m. on Sunday.




The sailing instructions will be available by 10:30 a.m. on August 30, 2008, at the Heron Lake Marina. The race committee may, at its option, make the sailing instructions available at an earlier date.


7 __._ VENUE


The venue is Heron Lake, located at Heron Lake State Park in northern New Mexico. Attachment A shows the racing area.




The courses to be sailed will be as follows: For each race, the race committee signal boat will display flags to indicate the configuration of the course, as designated by number on the chart of courses (Appendix B).__


9 ....... FLEETS

All Buccaneers shall start and be scored as a single fleet. Any Mutineers or other boats may be started as separate fleets under separate instructions.




10.1 __ Electronics. Skippers and crew may not use a radio or mobile telephone (cell phone) to receive assistance not freely available to all boats. A boat may have a global positioning satellite (GPS) receiver aboard.


10.2 __ Berthing. After the conclusion of Saturday's racing, skippers are free to place boats in a marina slip, in mast-up storage, in a launch ramp or marina parking area, on the beach, at anchor, or otherwise, so long as they meet any applicable State Park or marina requirements.


10.3 __ Safety. All participating boats, skippers, and crews are required to follow Federal, State, and local safety regulations. The Race Committee, at its discretion, may prohibit or terminate participation for any vessel that is unseaworthy or that is operated in an unsafe or illegal manner.

. ___

11 __._ SCORING


11.1 __ One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.


11.2 __ When fewer than four races have been completed, a boat's series score will be the total of her race scores with no throw-outs or exclusions. This changes Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing.


11.3 __ If four to six races are completed, a boat's series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst excludable score. This changes Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing.


11.4 __ If seven or more races are completed, a boat's series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her two worst excludable scores. This changes Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing.

___ ….


12 ___ PRIZES


Prizes will be given for First, Second, and Third place.


The race committee may, at its option and depending upon sufficient participation, give other awards.


The Buccaneer Rodeo has been selected as the Buccaneer Class Association's venue in 2008 for competition for the MacAlpine-Downie Gibbs Cup, named in honor of the founders of the Buccaneer class, Rod MacAlpine-Downie and Dick Gibbs. The regatta winner will receive the perpetual trophy to keep until the next MDG Cup regatta. An additional award will be made for service to the Buccaneer Class.

. ___



Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.


Neither the establishment of the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, nor their use by the Organizing Authority and the Race Organizers, in any way limits the absolute responsibility of the Owner/Skipper.


Crew members are advised to satisfy themselves as to the experience of the skipper and the adequacy and location of all safety equipment and insurance arrangements.


Each skipper is responsible for the safety of his or her boat and all aspects of her operation. The skipper shall ensure that the boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy, manned by a crew sufficient in number and experience who are physically fit to face in all conditions. The skipper must be satisfied as to the soundness of the hull, spars, rigging and all gear. She or he must ensure that all safety equipment is accessible; meets government and class requirements; and is kept in sound, usable condition




Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance.

. ___



A document describing the venue will be provided to competitors.


For further information please contact
Jim Daus,
David Spira, 303 3290-8100,
Pat Byrnes, 505-265-6741,; or

Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo Registration 2008

Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo Registration
August 30-31, 2008
Heron Lake State Park, Los Ojos, New Mexico

Skipper: __________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City: ___________________ State ____ Zip _____________

Phone: ______________ _______________ _______________
. . . . . . . . (home) . . . . . . . (office) . . . . . . . . . . (cell)

E-mail/web: ________________________________________

Birthdate (required if born after January 1, 1989): ________


Crew name(s): __________________ ___________________

Birthdate (required if born after January 1, 1989): ________


Boat name ___________________ Sail Number ___________


Special Information

Please list any allergies, diet restrictions, special medical concerns,
or needs for you, your crew, or members of your traveling party.




Optional: I am a member of ...

____ Buccaneer Class Assn. ____ BCA Associate Member

____ US Sailing ____ SAIL ____ SCYA _____ YRUSC

____ Sailing Club, Yacht Club, or other boating organization:


Other special features of my crew or boat:


Regatta Fee: $30.00 per boat (check, money order, cash)
($25 if postmarked by Friday, August 8, 2008), to

New Mexico Sailing Club,
PO Box 1795
Bernalillo, NM 87004


Agreement and Signature:

I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race
and Sailing Instructions for the Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo,
applicable Buccaneer Class Association rules, and applicable local,
state, and federal regulations.

I acknowledge that I am responsible for deciding whether to launch,
start, or continue in an event at this regatta, and I acknowledge my
responsibility for ensuring that myself, crew, and boat are seaworthy
for conditions that may be encountered during this regatta.


(parent or guardian must also sign for a minor)

Texas Buccaneer visits Heron Lake

It's a red Red Raider! Walt and Kathy trailered their recently acquired Buccaneer from Lubbock, Texas, to Heron Lake at the beginning of the month and enjoyed the cool nights and varied sailing conditions at the lake.

To Pat, Mac, Beth, George, and all of the other NMSC members who helped make our week at Heron Lake wonderful, thanks! thanks! thanks!

The lake was beautiful and fun to sail and the campsites couldn't have been better. As beginning sailors, the helpful suggestions that we received from all of you allowed us to learn more in a week than we could have learned in a summer on our own. And, best of all, the hospitality made us feel like we were among old friends (which we now consider all of you to be).

I have uploaded our photos of the trip to Heron Lake to our Flickr account:
But, the pictures just don't do justice to a beautiful lake and the memories that we carried home.

Among the photos, you will find a Google Maps image of our local sailing site, Lake Alan Henry. I was out Friday with my sailing buddy, George (there are other sailors in Lubbock), and we discovered that the area in front of the dam is great for sailing with consistent 20 mph winds on that day. Ya'll come visit us some time and let us return the hospitality that you showed us.

Thanks again,
Walt & Kathy

Sailing at Heron Lake

Beyond the Heron Lake Marina's A dock sailboats romp in a breeze funneled up the Narrows.

The Bayfield 25 "Lady Bug" sails toward her mooring.

With a good breeze blowing, this boat seen beyond the Narrows is down to headsail only.

West Wight Potter "Spar Trek" as seen from Walt and Kathy's Buccaneer.

Heron Lake Marina

Natural drama comes easily to view at the Heron Lake Marina.

Another great days comes to an end; shown is part of the Heron Lake Marina with the Narrows beyond.

Potlucks under the pavilion are a fun part of life at Heron Lake.

Mast-up pole near the large mast-up storage lot. In the background is Willow Creek Cove and the New Mexico Sailing Club's Heron Lake Marina.

Heron Lake views and moods

Another gorgeous Heron Lake sunset.

View from campground area toward the Narrows and marina.

View form near the dam.

Camping at Heron Lake

Walt and Kathy camped at Heron Lake's Brushy Point site, where the views were fantastic.

Here their red Buccaneer enjoys a view of the lake that she'll soon sail.

Tierra Wools near Heron Lake, New Mexico

Show room at Tierra Wools. Walt and Kathy took these pictures during a break from sailing their Buccaneer at Heron Lake during the fourth of July weekend (2008). Tierra Wools is one of the one-of-a-kind interesting places nearby that make Heron Lake a fun base for exploring the area. Another is the historic Cumbres and Toltec steam railroad in Chama, billed as "America's Highest and Longest", which winds through more than 60 miles of meadows and mountains.

Loom used for hand weaving at Tierra Wools.

Facade of High Country lounge, package store, and restaurant. Lunch, dinner, and Sunday brunch are typically excellent here. Weekend evenings often feature live entertainment.