Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo Registration 2008

Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo Registration
August 30-31, 2008
Heron Lake State Park, Los Ojos, New Mexico

Skipper: __________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________

City: ___________________ State ____ Zip _____________

Phone: ______________ _______________ _______________
. . . . . . . . (home) . . . . . . . (office) . . . . . . . . . . (cell)

E-mail/web: ________________________________________

Birthdate (required if born after January 1, 1989): ________


Crew name(s): __________________ ___________________

Birthdate (required if born after January 1, 1989): ________


Boat name ___________________ Sail Number ___________


Special Information

Please list any allergies, diet restrictions, special medical concerns,
or needs for you, your crew, or members of your traveling party.




Optional: I am a member of ...

____ Buccaneer Class Assn. ____ BCA Associate Member

____ US Sailing ____ SAIL ____ SCYA _____ YRUSC

____ Sailing Club, Yacht Club, or other boating organization:


Other special features of my crew or boat:


Regatta Fee: $30.00 per boat (check, money order, cash)
($25 if postmarked by Friday, August 8, 2008), to

New Mexico Sailing Club,
PO Box 1795
Bernalillo, NM 87004


Agreement and Signature:

I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the Notice of Race
and Sailing Instructions for the Rocky Mountain Buccaneer Rodeo,
applicable Buccaneer Class Association rules, and applicable local,
state, and federal regulations.

I acknowledge that I am responsible for deciding whether to launch,
start, or continue in an event at this regatta, and I acknowledge my
responsibility for ensuring that myself, crew, and boat are seaworthy
for conditions that may be encountered during this regatta.


(parent or guardian must also sign for a minor)

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